
16 May 2018

How did a PF campaign put together with zero budget result in a blanket coverage, public outcry and shame one of the nation’s most powerful brands into a price reduction?  It’s all thanks to a little chocolate frog and some very smart desk research by W for Moneysupermarket.

As the old £10 note was going out of circulation the team here saw a news opportunity: the changing inflation in everyday goods and services since its introduction in 2000.

Most of the results were shocking, but unsurprising – house prices have risen 132%, electricity prices 133% and a loaf of bread was up 106%. However, sitting atop the list was the nation’s favourite chocolate frog, which had seen a staggering price increase of over 200% from 10p to 30p.

So never mind house prices or electrical goods, we led with the statistic on Freddo and when we put it out to media it sparked a consumer backlash – which led to Cadbury reducing the price within a week.

The story generated 319 total pieces of coverage across print, online and broadcast, including: Mail Online (top story),, BBC Radio London,  The Sun, The Mirror and Daily Express. We also secured a dedicated Pugh Cartoon which ran in the Daily Mail alongside our story.

1.2m million social mentions in the UK.

The top Moment on Twitter, with a dedicated story that was viewed by hundreds and thousands.